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Fluent in Dutch, English, and Spanish

Relevant experience

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Policy officer

February 2024 -

At the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I work as a policy officer in the Social Development Directory, specifically in the team Youth, Education and Work. In this role, I support the topical Ambassador in preparing his travels and speeches. Additionally, I engage in activities relating to the 'Youth at Heart' strategy.

E-International Relations

Commissioning editor

April 2023 -
February 2024

In my role at E-International Relations, I commission and edit scholarly articles that revolve around decolonization, South-North relations, and alternative worldviews. Currently, I'm working on a set of articles that focusses on scientific colonialism and pluriversal alternatives.

Freelance writer and researcher

June 2021 -

February 2024

As freelance writer, I've written essays, op-eds, and articles on a myriad of topics. Critical thinking, intercultural philosophy, ancient cultures, and cultural traits are among the things that bring me the greatest joy in writing.

Student Tutor

May 2021 - June 2022

As tutor for students, I've helped many students with courses like sociology, critical ontology, and qualitative research methods. Explaining dificult concepts through a range of different communication forms was central to my lessons.

Otherwise Wageningen

Board Member

August 2021 -
Juli 2022

With Otherwise, I organized multiple events surrounding the nature-culture binary, Indigenous wisdom, degrowth, and activism. As board member, I was also supported with the overall organizational processess, like conducting interviews for vacant positions. 

Stichting Aralez


December 2021 -
June 2022

During my internship at Stichting Aralez, I mapped the Indigenous diaspora of the Netherlands and developed a policy brief called 'Right for Culture for the Indigenous Diaspora'. Additionally, I coordinated their Decolonial Learning Sessions and helped with the organization of the Arts of Resistance festival. 

Degrowth Conference


January 2021 -
August 2021

For the 8th International Degrowth Conference, I was part of the organizing team in the key conversation 'Decoloniality and Degrowth'. Additionally, I was part of the Central Review Team and Central Programming Team. 


Advanced Masters International Development

Radboud University Nijmegen

February 2024 - ongoing

AMID is a unique one-year post-master programme in the field of international development and has a dual nature. Trainees work four days a week in an external position and follow courses for one day a week in an international classroom. 

MSc International Development

Wageningen University

February 2020 -
June 2022

The average grade for my Master's was 8.2 on a 10 point scale.For my thesis, I compared three perceptions on wellbeing, as formulated in (1) the Sustainable Development Goals; (2) in the philosophy of Ubuntu; and (3) in the philosophy of Buen Vivir. 

BSc Sports, Health, and Management

September 2014 -
June 2018

HAN University of Applied Sciences

During my bachelor's, I've worked with many different marginalized groups and assessed their health problems. The title of my thesis was 'The impact of social environment and beliefs on the food choices of the inhabitants of Overvecht'.

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